48 Port Gigabit Poe Smart Mgd 4 Sfp - 606449131567
- 48 Port Gigabit Poe Smart Mgd 4 Sfp
- Quiet Rack Mounting Operation With 27.08db To 39.74db At 25c (77f) Ambient
- Layer 3 Static Routing With 32 Routes (ipv4 And Ipv6) For Intervlan Local Routing
- Advanced Vlan And Private Vlan Support For Better Network Segmentation
- L2/l3/l4 Access Control Lists (acls) For Granular Network Access Control Including 802.1x Port Authentication
- Advanced Per Port Poe Controls For Remote Power Management Of Poe Connected Devices Including Operation Scheduling (e.g. Wireless Aps Ip Security Cameras Led Lighting Secure Access Door Locks Iot Devices)
- Advanced Qos (quality Of Service) For Traffic Prioritization Including Portbased 802.1p And L2/l3/l4 Dscpbased
- Auto Denialofservice (dos) Prevention
- Igmp Snooping And Querier For Multicast Optimization
- Multicast Vlan Registration (mvr) For Larger L2 Multicast Networks And Av Over Ip Deployment
- Dynamic Arp For Increased Security Targeting A Class Of Man In The Middle Attack
- Rate Limiting And Priority Queuing For Better Bandwidth Allocation
- Port Mirroring For Network Monitoring
- Energy Efficient Ethernet (ieee 802.3az) For Maximum Power Savings
- Cable Test To Troubleshoot Connection Issues
- Snmp V1 V2c V3 And Rmon Remote Monitoring
- Brand: Netgear